This game was fun game to play over the weekend in Las Vegas, in the Luxor Arcade, with Azrael from and Sabre from I haven’t played the game through Nintendo 64, but the arcade version lets three people play the game.
GameCenter has a review of Gauntlet Legends for the Nintendo 64 platform. Here is an excerpt:
Now available on the Nintendo 64, Gauntlet Legends has improved even further upon its arcade counterpart: it’s bigger, more in-depth, has a ton of hidden secrets and extras, and keeps the four-player action intact. It’s also one of the best N64 games in a long while. Gauntlet Legends takes the very basic overhead combat of the original game and does a lot more than just put it into a dark, gloomy, impressive-looking 3D world. It adds a lot of RPG-style elements, with character stats development, inventory, money, and a huge game world, but without ever becoming pretentious enough to call itself an RPG (as the similar Diablo did).