November Gamer Birthdays

Happy Birthday Mrs, Bass, RocketMan, Moongod, Andy Smith, and Lordstryfe!

Mrs Bass: November 4th was Mrs. Bass’ birthday (sorry Maryann). Mrs. Bass is what we call her because she is married to XP-Bass-o-matic (Dirk Gastaldo), a very well known and funny guy in my old clan, Xtreme Prejudice. I recently had the chance again to go to a theatre play to see Phantom of the Opera, in my hometown with 5 other buddies. Mr. and Mrs. Bass (Mr & Mrs Gastaldo) were two of the ones that attended. It was so great to talk to them all again. Happy Belated Birthday Marryann! *hug*

RocketMan:  I believe Rocketman used to play Quake with me, he lives in Texas, USA. Happy Belated Birthday RMan!

Moongod: Rayhas these awesome blue eyes. Most of the people know him as the guy who used to be a part of Lucasarts. He worked on many Lucasarts’ games such as; Dark Forces, Jedi Knight, XWing vs. Tie Fighter, Grim Fandango, Indiana Jones & the Infernal Machine, The Phantom Menace and more. Other things he worked on before he went on with Lucasarts was Micropose’s Mig-29, Falcon 4.0, and Top Gun.

Andy Smith: Andy lives in Florida, USA.

Lordstryfe:  Clan Genocide clan member’s birthday. There is only a few Hawaiian Gamers I really know well on the net, Chris is one of them. He also has a homepage called Pissed Individuals.


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