Q3A & UT Showdown?

David Laprad of The Adrenaline Vault has an editorial on-line today with a title of “The Ultimate Showdown or Just Another Two’s Day?” regarding, facing off in a tournament of champions for the ages are two 3D action titles with feature lists to die for and legions of fans lined up to debate their merits. How will the winner be chosen? Here’s a clip:

“Although 1999 has seen some terrific clashes, such as the Battle of the Giant Robot Sims and the War of the 3D Tactical Combat Titles, Christmas is strangely missing that element of competition in most genres. However, there is one epic struggle sending tremors through the landscape of gaming. Two historical 3D action titles with duplicate goals and similar feature lists–id Software’s Quake III Arena and Epic Games’ Unreal Tournament–have entered retail and are facing off for the hard-earned cash of discriminating consumers. Coincidence? Of course not. In this business, Christmas is where the riches are, a simple fact that generates this industry’s most unpredictable and contentious season of all.”

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