Breezing By…. Unreal Tournament Fun

I am half awake right now. ugh. I tried out the retail version of Unreal Tournament and wouldn’t stop playing. I don’t even know how many hours I played.  Now, it’s a bit after 3am  and I am still craving to play the game this tired. 🙁 It’s just TOO MUCH FUN. It really should be against the law to get addicted to such a magnificent game.

I played the single player mode of Deathmatch mode and then played the Domination Mode. Domination is a new thing for me, I have seen some similarities on some games on that. I can’t recall which right now (remember, I am not quite awake right now). But, I have seen something on the order of it in Quake I believe. Maybe it was Qball? No, I think it was something on the order of a mod for the original Quake though. Any ways, I played like 4 levels on that one as well and went through the Domination Tutorial.

There is one really cool Unreal Tournament level in the DM mode that has a spacey look to it. It looks like the spaceship is actually moving through the galaxy, really fast. I know a lot of my buddies who like Star Wars games would love that level. I already want to go back and play some more but I know I need my rest for tomorrow. I’d be up all morning maybe even until noon time, it’s just too addicting… Beware…



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