Project 911 for America

Caryn ‘Hellchick’ Law sent me an email last week concerning something really nifty for us who care about the situation that happened last Tuesday. Check this out and see if you could write something as well:

I’m sure that there are more than a few of us who’ve been feeling somewhat helpless as we’ve watched events unfold. While I sat here and wondered what I can do to help, I watched as the writer’s list I’m on began exchanging stories, a kind of “where were you when…” with thoughts and feelings about it all. The thought struck me that someone should be collecting these. Everyone in this country and in the world was profoundly affected by what happened, and what we all have to say about it so soon after the event and during the aftermath is extremely important.

With that in mind, I created a site today called The 911 Project. The idea is to create a kind of living memorial to what happened with the thoughts and recollections of everyone around the world who witnessed it. So I’m asking you if you’d like to contribute your own entry. Read what’s up there now — I’ve gotten a few so far — to see what people are contributing. I’ll have a more sophisticated submission form soon, but for now I’m just accepting them via email.


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