My buddy Fargo received an email for the MailbagĀ asking why there aren’t any skins from a player named the NastyGirl.
She wrote:
“Just thought I would write you a short note telling you how disappointed [I am] in the lack of female skins in Return to Castle Wolfenstein. š I could not believe there was not one female skin in the game after all the advertising led me to believe there would be. Some of us girls who play on line games are really fed up with this in games. As more and more females are playing on line we feel its time that the makers of these games should include and acknowledge us… I’m sure they will use the excuse there were no women on the front lines in WW2, but there is a lot added to this game that had nothing to do with WW2. Ghost Recon is another new game that has completely left out females. If the makers of these games want to promote their product to us females they need to buck up and include us. There are more of us then they think. :)”
Here’s what Fargo wrote:
I can understand the case with Wolfenstein, where player models determined a player’s class and creating female equivalents for everyone would mean creating and animating eight new characters that basically had no historical equivalent. But can we hope for any better? A multiplayer audience is a fraction of the game audience, and the female multiplayer audience is a fraction of a fraction, and those that would spread the word to friends is a fraction of a fraction of a fraction. Those games with more of a female audience make amends: online RPGs or builders like The Sims. But action games don’t seem ready to change. Disagree? Mail me! – Fargo