Breezing By…

I ended with a new domain name for a whole other side project I’ll be working on. No, won’t be going away. It will remain the same as it always has been. I actually have a handful of female gamers that would love to help or contribute things for this new site. So you’re thinking what the heck Cali, just tell us the domain name already! There’s a teaser page at the site already, click here to see it.

The site will be entirely focused on Action and Strategy games. No if, and buts about it. I will however, let there be one day of the week (or maybe once a month) that we’ll sneak in one post of other genres since many of us girls do like hot news about other games from time to time.

Other than that, I have been working on some ideas for a site design. One of my close buds was kind enough to make the teaser image you see on that page. I am trying see if my boyfriend’s friend, James, who is a very talented artist to make some characters for the site. Something on the order of the gal on that page. Unsure if that will happen but who knows what tomorrow will bring. I’ll keep you all posted on how things go.

As for the Quake Women’s search, I’ll post something concerning it in the next post.

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