For those of you who are really into comics, Comic Con is an awesome place to go each year. It in San Diego, (my home town in California), this August 1-4. Wish I could go! 🙁 For further details, check out the official ComicCon International website.
There’s a giveaway of DarKnight 2 over at ComicFan. The deadline is the 20th of July so get over there ASAP! To give you all a simple taste of some other comic book happenings, here’s a quick rundown on the latest:
- July Comic Previews at CWR.
- StarWars Comics for this week.
- CrossGen Previews at DigitalWebbing.
- Star Wars Tales Preview at EchoStation.
- Comic Book Villians Poster at FilmForce.
- DarkHorse Comic Previews at their official site.
- XMen Fantomex Preview of at Digital Webbing.
- Comic Book Heroes Epic Battle News at GQ Mag.
- Elektra Gallery at ComicFan. Occupation: Assassin.
- Fandom Buzz has a list of the latest DVD;s that will be available soon. The cool ones I thought were Lord of the Rings and Time Machine.
Speaking of entertainment related newss, GameInfoWire has some talk about theAliens vs. Predator Movie. SciFi Wire has a spoiler of WB’s Angel. MovieList has amovie trailer for Mel Gibson’s upcoming movie, Signs. Last but not least, CHUD has an interview with the Eight Legged Freak’s gal, Scarlett Johansson.