Breezing By… Quake Women Search

I have been researching more into trying some of these other girl gamers for the Quake Women Search, contacting other people who may know them in such. So far I may have found a few people who gave me the last info for one of the girls.

Besides that, there’s been more research for the pages at I have also been doing. I mean when I say research, this makes me feel I am getting on my hands and knees to scrub the kitchen floor. Hehe, it will pay off in the end. There’s some pages I have been doing for Killcreek, Aurora, Hellkitten and aNouC. These pages are much like Hellkitten’s and 155 and Rising in the Female Gamer’s section. Just an overall link page to anything that I can find they have written, sites that have written about them, interviews with them and much more.

Then today I was making a XPCon 6 photos page to add to the photo album. After seeing those pictures I really miss my friends out in California. *sigh* Maybe next year guys. :/


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