Breezing By… Primal Guide Thief

I kept sneaking off Gamestop to check out the Primal (PS2) Game Guide instead of buying it. Would that REALLY make me a bad person? I mean, when you spend about 2 and half hours on a level and can’t find a way out, I think that was acceptable. I buy the guide, I am paying more gas driving here than I would to just buy it. 

There are a lot of things in this game which allows time for you to figure out, but I was trying to get a review written on the game. Not seeing all of it just doesn’t make me feel I am writing a good one, you know?

So with that said, I took 110 screenshots last night, only 50 were awesome. hehe. Trying to play the game and take screenshots for good combat moves wasn’t the easiest thing to do. As soon as that review is published at I’ll share the link here. 

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