Breezing By… Spring Cleaning

Hey Hey Hey! How have you all been. I have been super bad lately.  Well, I think it’s a good thing though. For about a week there I ended up not playing any games, that took a lot because I was pretty hooked on Star Wars Galaxies. What did I do? Spring Cleaning. I mainly cleaned my house to no end, then stopped when I got to the bedroom and closet, it was too scary to think of doing more cleaning in one day.


When I mean cleaned, I mean went through every freaken drawer and cupboard, dumped it out and sorted it. Then found a place JUST where it belongs.  I dumped about 10 large trash bags out and gave Goodwill an old futon and 3 bags of goodies. The nice thing, I got some of the computer parts, electronic cords all rubberbanded then placed them in a neat clear box. It looks snazzy!

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