Breezing By… Gender Attention

I’ve been getting some really odd emails lately. If its not about some guy’s cousin’s girlfriend’s sister doing this and that… its folks asking some odd questions. Dude, I don’t care what you where when you cross dress. I don’t care if you think girls get more attention since they game.

I’m getting back in shape with UT2k4 and Enemy Territory… two lost loves. I believe I played UT2k4 about 3 times since I have been back to Quakecon, also fiddled with a little Doom 3 SP but not much. I did post a quick forum thread at my clan’s (Xtremeprejudice) UT2k4 forum to see who’s playing since I lost one of my friends who was playing it with me. *sigh*   I think TeamSpeak is much better than that in-game voice chat. It is annoying and you can’t must specific people unless you turn it entirely off.

Movies. Checked out Hilgaldo. My parents raised Quarter Horses so it really made me miss my childhood days where horses were my life. Ahh and a few weeks back I watched Kill Bill 2, wow… I totally need to buy that one.

I wish that weekend never ended, yet it seems like it was a dream. The Astros ball game, dinner, mochas and playing pool was a lot of fun but the people I hung out were the real highlight.  I would love to get better at playing Pool.

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