Thanksgiving Aftermath

My Thanksgiving plans went a little differently than expected. I had plans to go to a friend’s place for Thanksgiving Day; study and work on assignments for college; and play a variety of games. The four days were spent playing World of Warcraft and studying. *hides* I have to admit, I have never passed level 53 in the game. I have a level 47 Alliance Draenei priest and now the level 60 Horde Tauren hunter. I was proud that I leveled from 53 to level 60 during the holiday break. Sadly I have not had any time to play since Sunday.

Anyways, here are the results from GameSpot user’s predictions. Majority of you planned to play games, love pie and a combination of both an explorer and home body. Seems that Black Friday made some of you go outside. 😛 Were any of your predictions wrong?

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