I’m such a SWTOR believer, that I’ll pick up a pre-order of the Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ for one of my blog followers! But…. you’re going to have to impress me in a variety of ways.
1. How much do you know about the Star Wars Universe. Read the books or comics involving Star Wars: The Old Republic? Briefly explain some books or comics I should pick up to get prepared for the release of the game.
2. If you played Star Wars Galaxies at some point (during the good or bad days), you should know a bit about what SWTOR might offer in comparison. Tell me why you think SWTOR will out do SWG!
3. Writers or Artists, share something SWTOR related that’s on the creative side of things! This can be a video of your favorite details about SWTOR, maybe a comparison of features/graphics of SWG/SWTOR, creative art of the different races/classes? A photo of you in SWTOR inspired clothes? Writers could get away with a poem, interesting statement here, too!
I’m a gamer, so impress me with your visuals and words.
Update: I’ve selected the winner, thanks for participating!