I got this game last Saturday morning and I haven’t stopped playihg since! I was talking to a friend last night about it. It reminds me a lot of Quake 1. I think it’s the rustic feel when I am running around in it. Some things remind me of Half Life too (the doctor and mutant type of characters). It’s a solid single player game so far.
Check out this Wolfenstein Christmas story by H.G.
T’was the night before Wolfenstein and all through the map
Not an ally was scoring, not one single cap.
All the ammo was hung by the startpoint with care
In the hope that our medics would pick it up there.
Then what to my wandering eyes should appear,
An Axis LT and eight chaingunneers!
A little lieutenant so lively and quick,
I knew in a moment his ping must be 6.
And more rapid than eagles the pink smoke then came
As I shouted “Incoming!” artillery did rain.
And so up to the startpoint the Axis soon flew
With their chainguns ablaze and friendly fire too.
Down the ladder he came with a leap and a bound;
He was dressed in a trenchcoat, his thompson swung round.
He spoke not a word but went straight to this work,
And filled us with lead, then turned with a jerk,
And grabbing our flag, the Kraut wiggled his nose,
Then giving a nod up the ladder he rose.
But I heard him exclaim as he dodged out of sight
“Ze enemy is weakened!!” and called an airstrike.