K9-Moonsh1ne Interview-

Challenge-au.com has mentioned news about Cache conducting an interview with Frag3 4th place winner, K9-Moonsh1ne. Moon is a sweet guy in person and on the net. Here is a clip from the interview:

moonshines[K9-Moonsh1ne]: My main problem was hakeem’s shaft. His aim is very good with it, and he claims that using r_picmip 5 (as all euros did) helps shaft aim a lot whereas I use r_picmip 1. Once he found out he could outshaft me in most cases, he got a lead and camped near top yellow armor, waiting for me to attack. The proper way to defeat that was to use the RL more which I did but it was 10:30 am, and I barely warmed up for the game (like for 10 minutes maybe). My rl aim was unfortunately off. I got a few rl kills on him, but when I tried to keep him away from shaft after he died, he was already there and he shafted me down even though I had more armor. It was just poor, and I could have done better-but such is life.

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