Turn-Based Games

Thanks for everyone’s game recommendations. I put a variety of them in my queue to check out.

Blue Dragon and Two Worlds are the first two games I gave a try. Two Worlds wasn’t that bad but I had the desire to give Oblivion a try on the 360 after playing it for about 10 minutes. I need to give it another try though.

The Blue Dragon’s graphics style is what I was looking for the most (thanks to ZimpanX’ recommendation). At first it did seem a little kiddy but after I passed the first 30 minutes of the game I found it quite entertaining. I think turn-based role playing games are too slow so I usually return a game after noticing that it’s mainly turn-based. Although, I was surprised at how fast this game felt when attacking. Now that I have went through a few hours of the game I am getting better about hating that kind of RPG style, and anticipating the next creature I’ll have to attack. I also like how the game doesn’t show me that a rock, tree or anything around me has something that will have an item. Although, I do wish that the bushes would allow me to search to find something in them.

I wonder if I’ll start liking turn-based RPG and strategy games after this game. I like fast paced action and turn-based never worked even for turn-based Strategy games. I’d like to play Civilization 4 but after finding that it was turn-based (as the others were) I decided to avoid it, even if it is beautiful. If you’re wondering why I hate turn-based strategy games,

I used to be a volunteer beta tester for Mplayer before I became employed with them. I spent many hours on those types of games, and I hated waiting for my opponent to make their next move only to find out that they were making a sandwich, watching a TV show or doing something other than figuring out their next move. There were times I used to wait 15-20 minutes for a move. After a while I would get fed up with someone not being focused on playing the game. :/

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