I have many dreams that are worth sharing, the ones that change me the most are the ones based on excessive food eating. When I was a teenager I had this dream about Kit Kats and Reeses sodas, and I drank so much of them in my dream. By morning the taste in my mouth and just the thought of any candy was no way, I am NEVER eating cheap chocolate candy again. This dream was so real to me and I recall believing that these sodas really existed after I woke up.
Months later I was finally better about eating other chocolate bars except Kit Kat and Reeses. Years, no, I am serious, it took me years to eat both candy bars… I would have to say it was about 6 years after when I finally ate a Kit Kat candy bar, but I recall it taking longer for the Reeses for some reason.
Another similar dream was about broccoli and eating tons of it, so much they came on vines like grapes, they grew on the walls; it was the ONLY thing that was available to eat in my dream. I didn’t eat broccoli for about 6 months. The reason why I bring up these old dreams is because I had another one that now is making me sick to my stomach. Butter.
I am in some kind of English cottage and there are people of royalty of some sort that I really want to impress. They are all sitting around a rectangle shaped table and thrilled that I am going to serve them dessert. I go to the fridge, that looked different than traditional American refrigerators and see this neat looking tub with what looks like a type of Praline’s and Cream ice cream. I take my spoon into the tub without them noticing and taste to see if it’s something I would serve these special guests I would like to impress. It tastes pretty good!
So… I recall having someone help me add the ice cream to plates and we pass around the ice cream. After a while I noticed my stomach turning but couldn’t tell what it was about. I continue to talk to these awesome people. Then.. I realize that my mouth feels more oily than desired.. you know? Eating lots of oil kind of sensation, but thicker than desired (not like olive oil dressing). The ending of the dream before I wake up is this…
I go to the fridge, open it, an check for a label all over this tub and find that it is a sweet butter that seemed like ice cream because it was frozen. I look at everyone at the table and think they are going to be sick.. and then I wake up.
I haven’t had any butter since this dream. When I had a bagel with cream cheese today my stomach felt awful….