Scottish hate Saint Patty’s Day

I hope you all had a wonderful Saint Patrick’s Day. I wore a deep forest green sweater and a black long skirt. Majority people didn’t remember it was the holiday because it was Monday…
By 2pm, I offended a guy from Scotland, thinking he was Irish this whole time. DUH! He’s from Aburdeen, I should have connected it with Scotland. I said you’re Irish and you don’t have any green on. Woops

He yelled, “I AM SCOTTISH!” This is from someone that’s smiley most of the time, I must have offended him. I asked him why Americans celebrating every year, and not one person in U.K. celebrates it. He explained that the British laugh at Americans for celebrating it each year. I told him I was IRISH, or have like mostly Irish in me… besides Scottish, English then German so I have EVERY reason to celebrate such holiday.


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