
I continue receive asking why has been abandoned, thanks for sharing your feedback.

Yes, I’ve desired to restore the site for a couple of years now. I even think about it a few times a month. When people contact me I feel even more guilty! 🙁 How could I abandon my baby, The site was established in 2002 with a focus on two genres – action and strategy games.  I even got my job at GameSpot from having so many contacts to female gamers in the industry.

The last I did on the site was a quick re-design but school and work soak too much time. College has had me too busy to breath; my social life included. I am supposed to graduate near the end of this year. I have missed writing news and interviewing people for the Focus of the Month.

I will admit, I know from personal experience how it feels to go to a  website for news and the site isn’t updated in ages. For years I would be angry when people abandoned their website without a final message or anything.  I can’t believe I joined that league! I feel like a criminal that no one wants to talk to. I hope you’ll forgive me one day.

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