Dreamcast Buyer Guide

The Sega Dreamcast is nearing its first anniversary so Console Xtreme compiled a Holiday Season Dreamcast Buyers Guide.

Action/Arcade Games

  • Crazy Taxi: Pick up passengers and then drop them off. Never has such a simple concept been so enthralling.
  • Vigilante 8: Second Offense: Although a port of the Playstation Version, V82 entertained us for hours on end.
  • Jet Grind Radio: 3D game that looks 2D! Cannon Spike: Old school shooter with Capcom style characters?

Strategy/RPG Games…

  • Evolution 2: Short and simplistic, but its endearing characters held our interest for a while.
  • Time Stalkers: Wins by default. Well, um, we liked it more than E.G.G.
  • Shenmue: THE Dreamcast game to own. The graphics and innovation put PS2 titles to shame.
  • Eternal Arcadia:  Most publications would place Grandia II in this slot. We are members of the few and the proud out there that did NOT like the original Grandia. Besides, Eternal Arcadia (or now known as Skies of Arcadia) was produced by the Phantasy Star.

Check out the article for more Dreamcast games!

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