Hey there! If you didn’t know, I’m a passionate gamer, audiobook fanatic, animal lover, wannabe DIY’er, aspiring photographer, speculative gardener, culinary experimentalist, and outdoor explorer. When it comes to geek and pop culture, I love all things sci-fi and fantasy — dragons, aliens, robots, zombies, and dinosaurs! I’ve been a blogger since the late 90s, so there’s much history on this website! Dig through the archives if you’d like!
Video games have been apart of my life since early childhood. My father was an avid gamer, which allowed me access to the latest consoles and games on the market. When I was of age to make my own decisions on game purchases, I moved to PC games such as Command & Conquer and Quake. My admiration for these games led me to a career in the games industry, working at Gamers.com, GameSpy, Professional Gamers League (PGL), GameSpot, Quakecon, and Riot Games.
But that’s not all! I’m a firm believer that gaming is not a hobby, it’s a lifestyle. When someone like myself is playing games as regularly as eating or sleeping, it’s not a hobby.