I got offered a job in Texas. Yes… I am still California Girl at heart, and that’s all that matters, right? California forevermore.
Category: Update
Happy Gobble Day!Happy Gobble Day!
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I hope you all had a nice day today. Didn’t do too much but desire to sleep most of the day off and on wherever I was.
Breezing By… Palm Pilot VIIxBreezing By… Palm Pilot VIIx
I finally got my Palm Pilot VIIx working. My brother gave me his older one last February but I was waiting on him to give me the software to install
Xtreme Prejudice ClanXtreme Prejudice Clan
I am back in the Xtreme Prejudice clan, excited indeed! It seems like even though I left I remained as their little sister. I always was a part of their family…
Breezing By…. Unreal Tournament FunBreezing By…. Unreal Tournament Fun
I am half awake right now. ugh. I tried out the retail version of Unreal Tournament and wouldn’t stop playing. I don’t even know how many hours I played. Now,
Breezing By…. Gamer Album BetaBreezing By…. Gamer Album Beta
I created a photo album beta page online. The reason why it’s called a beta site is because I have contacted certain buddies of mine who haven’t had time to fill out
CG.net Gamer AlbumCG.net Gamer Album
For those of you who have been asking me about my gamers’ photo album, I am almost done with it! Phew. 🙂 I have about 59 more things to complete but
Breezing By… Champ PotatoesBreezing By… Champ Potatoes
I just got back from the Gym. Yes! No holiday week will keep me away. I feel awesome every time I spend an hour and a half there. It rocks.
Breezing by… Q3 vs UT DemosBreezing by… Q3 vs UT Demos
I tried out the Quake 3 Arena Demo the other day. At first, I wasn’t used to it at all. I was playing against another female model bot. I didn’t
Breezing By… No Yellow TaxiBreezing By… No Yellow Taxi
I am re-cooperating from the Las Vegas Trip over the weekend. It seems like a lot of things piled up in my email box (shh.. need to get to that