I have been sneaking on my webcam from time to time lately this weekend. However, I dont have it for the public, just a few selected friends who wont abuse
Category: Update
Breezing By… World of Warcraft BetaBreezing By… World of Warcraft Beta
I got a new job! I had this other job that required me to drive an hour an hour and 20 mins to work each day, then drive that back. So having a
Breezing By… Brain TugBreezing By… Brain Tug
Trying to finish my Quakecon journey all off memory has been a real tug at the brain. No real game playing, except Unreal Tournament 2004 a few times at Quakecon.
Breezing By… PC RestoredBreezing By… PC Restored
Wow its already August. I have to admit, its my favorite month of the year… and yeah I am biased for a reason -> birthday month! *snickers* I am finally
CG.net New DesignCG.net New Design
As you may notice, CG.net has a fresh new design! I have yet to fiddle with some of the other sections for the site but so far, I think its
Breezing By… Craving FPSBreezing By… Craving FPS
Aside from updates CG.Net, here’s the latest happenings. Games…. what’s the latest?! Well, I gave up City of Heroes for now. I am paying two different monthly services for two different
GirlGamerz Interviews CaliGirlGirlGamerz Interviews CaliGirl
Last week GamesGirlz was very kind to interview me about my site, LadyGamers.com. RESTORED INTERVIEW CaliGirl Talks LadyGamers.com Created by Jody (a.k.a. CaliGirl), LadyGamers is a gamer run site dedicated to
Breezing By… Becoming a HeroBreezing By… Becoming a Hero
A friend got me hooked on City of Heroes. I was upset on how long it took for them to release that game. I had waited for quite a long
Breezing By… Spring CleaningBreezing By… Spring Cleaning
Hey Hey Hey! How have you all been. I have been super bad lately. Well, I think it’s a good thing though. For about a week there I ended up
Breezing By… Cop FailBreezing By… Cop Fail
This month a Texas police officer accused me of not stopping at a STOP sign. This is the first ticket I have received. First off, I looked to my left, and then