Smallville will have a mixed second part of the season, some of the shows don’t involve Kryptonite, some show it differently. Check out Scifi’s report, then head over to Comics Continuum
Freedom Force DiaryFreedom Force Diary
Gamespot has a diary of Freedom Force by Irrational Games’ Junior 3D Artist, Sylvia Chong. The official City of Heroes forum has Q&A up online. Freedom Force is a MMORPG
21 Things To Think About…21 Things To Think About…
Submitted by GirlWhoLaughs / Author Unknown >ONE. Give people more than they expect and do it cheerfully. >TWO. Marry a man/woman you love to talk to. As you get older,
Pikmin FlowerPikmin Flower
I wish I had a flower named after me! has news about S&G Flowers naming a real white flower after GameCube’s Pikmin game. Check out the full report.
Wolfenstein WallpapersWolfenstein Wallpapers
Achtung Wolfenstein site has six different wallpapers that are available for download.
The Science of LaughterThe Science of Laughter has an interesting article concerning The Science of Laughter. There’s talk about how Girls laugh more than boys. When a girl talks to boys, we laugh 126% more than
Aliens vs Predator 2 UpdateAliens vs Predator 2 Update
It feels like my ears are ringing from how many people who have been commenting about this Aliens vs Predator 2 game. Gamespy Daily and Armchair Empire have both released
Handheld NewsHandheld News
I enjoy reading about lots of different devices that are released. Microsoft announced its first major upgrade to Pocket PC last month. HP, Compaq, Toshiba and Casio, are mentioned in
Happy Gobble Day!Happy Gobble Day!
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I hope you all had a nice day today. Didn’t do too much but desire to sleep most of the day off and on wherever I was.
LotR Inteview & Xbox Game PlansLotR Inteview & Xbox Game Plans
GVoice has released one screenshot of Fellowship of the Ring for Xbox. In case you didn’t know, Universal Interactive plan to develop for multiple new generation platforms, handheld systems, the