has an article on LANs for games and internet access. It features tips on hardware installation, windows setup, file/printer sharing, internet connection sharing, proxies, and more.
NASCAR 3 ReviewNASCAR 3 Review
GameWire has released a review of NASCAR 3. They gave the game an overall rating of 9.75. Here is an excerpt: NASCAR 3 has been through many changes, from using
Aussie Unreal Tournament TrophyAussie Unreal Tournament Trophy has news about a way many Australian Gamers can win the trophy from Unreal Tournament. More details can be found on his page.
Breezing By…. Unreal Tournament FunBreezing By…. Unreal Tournament Fun
I am half awake right now. ugh. I tried out the retail version of Unreal Tournament and wouldn’t stop playing. I don’t even know how many hours I played. Now,
Knights First LookKnights First Look
Knights is a refreshing mix of 3D shoot ’em up, beat ’em up and platform action that is best describe as a as Zelda meets Quake meets SimCity meets Mario
Outcast ReviewsOutcast Reviews
Evil Avatar has takes a look at Appeal’s voxel powered adventure game, Outcast. Here is a clip: “In this hectic time known as the ‘Holiday Buying Season’, many games get
Quake III Arena ContestQuake III Arena Contest
Damage Gaming is holding a contest where you can win a copy of the retail boxed edition of Quake III: Arena. All you have to do is simply fill out
BeatDown 2000BeatDown 2000
GameSpy’s series of brutalizing LAN parties continues with … BEATDOWN 20. The Post-Apocalyptic Bunker BeatDown. Here are some more details from Fargo: “The “BeatDown” is GameSpy’s version of a LAN
Unreal Tournament CTF GuideUnreal Tournament CTF Guide
Ingava has posted the first in the series of Unreal Tournament Survival Guides. This in-depth guide covers the UT map, Lava Giant, in exhaustive detail. The guide is designed to
Quake III Arena Demo!Quake III Arena Demo!
Quake3ArenaWorld.comto has the demo of id Software’s final Quake 3 Arena demo. DarkViper has posted several mirrors over there now in’s news section for you to choose from. Enjoy!