New Gamers Section Launches on Gamers hath spoken and has responded. In an attempt to please these bloodthirsty little mongrels we went and revamped the entire “Gamers” section
New Leagues & TournamentsNew Leagues & Tournaments
Think you’re any good? Maybe it is time to step up to the plate. Join the new official Mplayer leagues and compete against the best players in your game. Try Gamer Gamer Album
For those of you who have been asking me about my gamers’ photo album, I am almost done with it! Phew. 🙂 I have about 59 more things to complete but
EuroGamer’s LAN CoverageEuroGamer’s LAN Coverage
EuroGamer’s LAN Arena 3 coverage is winding down after the weekend’s action, with multiple demos for all five UK vs France matches now available, as well as a tongue in
SSI Contest Ends Dec 1SSI Contest Ends Dec 1
Tomorrow is the last day for the Xtreme Network’s Launch Contest. In celebration of launching the premiere SSI site on the web, will be giving away 5 autographed
Spookie Side UpdatedSpookie Side Updated
Spookie, my old XP Bro (yes, XP is still family), has updated hiseditorial over at Methos Quake. He talks about his birthday last week, Clan Arena, New Friends and Faces,
Happy Thanksgiving!Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone. I hope you had a wonderful day today even if you aren’t in the United States and don’t celebrate it. 😉 Also, if you are up for
Breezing By… Champ PotatoesBreezing By… Champ Potatoes
I just got back from the Gym. Yes! No holiday week will keep me away. I feel awesome every time I spend an hour and a half there. It rocks.
StarCraft 2000 TournamentStarCraft 2000 Tournament
Something interesting if you love Starcraft! Blizzard Entertainment has started registration for their first tournament of the millennium, the StarCraft Masters 2000. Sponsored and organized by the Knight Bridging Korea Co.,
AOK Story ContestAOK Story Contest
Win a copy of Bruce Shelley’s Age of Kings Strategy Guide from Age of Kings Heaven. The guide features civ descriptions, screenshots, campaign walk throughs, and expert multiplayer tips from