SheQwolfe aka SheQWolfe[M] resides in California, USA and used to play Quake.
Tag: Gamers
Happy Birthday Hahnsolo!Happy Birthday Hahnsolo!
Happy Birthday, Hahnsolo. Hahnsolo is known for his hard work at keeping everyone in the gaming community satisfied with tournaments, ladders and more at Clan World Tournament. Another nick name
November Gamer BirthdaysNovember Gamer Birthdays
Happy Birthday Mrs, Bass, RocketMan, Moongod, Andy Smith, and Lordstryfe! Mrs Bass: November 4th was Mrs. Bass’ birthday (sorry Maryann). Mrs. Bass is what we call her because she is married
Darkviper, 009 & Dolphin BirthdayDarkviper, 009 & Dolphin Birthday
Today is Darkviper, 009 and Dolphin’s Birthday! Darkviper: Most of you know him from multiple gaming sites around the net. He is known as the Director of Content at Xtreme Network™
Back in April, Thresh and Kenn opened the “apples and oranges” debate about which is better between FPS or RTS on Firing Squad. D16-Makaveli and Soso re-opened that argument, and although
Starcraft: NanoGirl InterviewStarcraft: NanoGirl Interview
Ace of Nukewinters has released an interview with Kristine ‘Nanogirl’ Ishii. Here is an excerpt: Ace of Nukewinters: What are a few other things your interested in, aside from the
Game Girls InvestigationGame Girls Investigation
Fletch over at SnipersValley has written an article entitled, “Gaming Girls: They will steal your heart, then eat it!” It’s a really cute article. Here’s a clip: When asked what
Happy Birthday Neverman!Happy Birthday Neverman!
Today is Neverman Birthday! Neverman was known previously as Natedog of The Neverhood and 5th Element Halflife TC. He resides in Kansas, USA. Be sure to email him a private
K9-Moonsh1ne Interview-K9-Moonsh1ne Interview- has mentioned news about Cache conducting an interview with Frag3 4th place winner, K9-Moonsh1ne. Moon is a sweet guy in person and on the net. Here is a clip
E3 1999 JourneyE3 1999 Journey
Tuesday I arrived late in the evening on Tuesday in Beverly Hills, California in the County of Los Angeles to meet with Tim ‘Cajunlanding’ Weaver from I had time to